Thursday, August 16, 2012

misc projects


artBEAT on main street . . . i was able to be a little creative.  i had the pleasure of painting one of the vegan bags sewn exclusively for artBEAT !!!  i want to add more stars to the inside design.  which i feel is a little lacking . . think i rushed before having to close up for the night !



i've continued working on jack-in-the-box the cat painting in the last post but i need better picks !!  


had fun painting some 'monster mile' jr lifeguards !! this year they were all dragons !!! one wanted a dragon painted on his back !!

so should be starting something new . . .  hmmmm what shall it be ?  we will see !!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

mo' paintings


another sketchbook series . . . . a little larger canvas.  ran into a few problems: a loose canvas was the main one.  i first sprayed the back but i don't think it was gesso'd very well so i had some water bleeding into the ink pen . . . in the end i believe it worked out.


so the other work i started and finished was a lion . . . on lenox paper.  i have used smaller sheets for block printing.  and larger pieces for my orangutan and gibbon works.  i love it but it is unforgiving so i sketch out a few details and project it on to the paper.  i do a light line and then i go to work on the piece (after putting the projector away) . . .  all the movement and emotion.  this pic doesn't show all the little details but there are a lot of white lines on him.  this time i used a white eraser that i cut a sharp edge on with an exacto.  the work is a little lighter on the face, too.  i was considering putting matte medium glazes over the whole work but when i unrolled it at the gallery i sold it . . .  as is.  they are going to put it in a simple frame.  i think this one will look awesome that way  !!!

then during the workshop at the gallery . . . 'JACK-IN-THE-BOX'

i started to work on a canvas with stucco, charcoal, pastels and matte medium . . . .  it was the second meeting held at the new gallery in vista called ARTBEAT on MAIN STREET.  it was a very productive day.  good energy, warm sunny day . . . great light and just really fun !!!

volcano 4 lauren


the camera of course misses all the subtleties of color layers i use.   the stars show up way more than they do in person.  there are greens peeking through the shadows of the mountains . . . . the flowers are playing hide and seek more in the darkness . .  . there is more texture and color in the smoke . . .  

in person it is a good addition to her other piece . . . . but i like the early stages with more of a day sky so guess that will be the first element in planning the 3rd volcano painting . . . but onto other paintings instead for now. 

but then again i could always . . . make some changes . . .  ahhhh the joys of acrylics . . . yes, my wheels are spinning.